The liberalization of the telecommunications branch has led to the fast growth of services. Both quality and variety of services have profited as a result.
The improvement of services has resulted in increased complexity. There are more parties involved in the creation of the service and the respective delivery to the customer. Today, through the use of one’s mobile a purchase can be made, the latest news headlines can be read, the newest music hits can be downloaded, films can be viewed and much more.
From day to day the offers will be bigger and more complex. Meanwhile, many companies from diverse branches are involved in the creation and development of new mobile services. An operator’s network, which is made up of manufacturers of mobile devices, network providers, service providers, content providers, portal providers, is built up in order to deliver a service as fast as possible to the end customer.
In doing so, new heterogeneous infrastructures are emerging to support the data creation and transfer to the end customer. The new task to be done is coordinating these systems and achieving trouble-free communication. Otherwise the services, irrelevant of how good they are, will never reach the end customer. As a result the customer satisfaction sinks, time to market will be increased, profits decline.
PIXIP.NET Enterprise Managed Quality of Service Platform (EMQP) makes it possible to test these complex services, inside of a heterogeneous environment, with possible errors and performance problems being detected quickly.
EMQP consists of single applications, responsible for different parts in the Quality of Service chain.
- XMASS is an Active Testing System for call generation and automatic service testing.
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